Thursday, May 19, 2011

Compliments given freely and often.........

The gift of a compliment to another may seem as an incidental gesture to you, but could have great impact on the recipient, whether it be stowed upon a loved one or a complete stranger. I find it odd, that for some, giving compliments is not an easy task and that they actually struggle with it (almost to the point of resistance), and for them this is a great shame. When you give out compliments freely, you in turn brighten your own life. You feel as though a little bit of good has been done, for you have put a smile on someone else's face and maybe even a spring in their step. When the opportunity for complimenting someone arises, don't shy away. Instead, preform this act of kindness with a great big smile. Feel free to be complimentary!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I always feel good when I give someone a compliment. It takes a second to compliment someone, and that compliment will stay with them for a long time after! your blogs....
